Why SEO is Essential For the Success of Your Business

Why SEO is Essential For the Success of Your Business

Why SEO is Essential For the Success of Your Business

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an essential part of any modern business’s online strategy. SEO refers to the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website on search engines like Google, which can help bring more traffic to your site and ultimately lead to more customers and sales.

 But why is SEO so important? Here are a few reasons:


  1. SEO helps increase the visibility of your website. When people search for keywords related to your business, having a strong SEO strategy can help your website appear higher on the search engine results page. This can help increase the chances that people will click on your website and visit it, which can ultimately lead to more customers and sales.
  2. SEO helps improve the user experience of your website. Search engines use algorithms to determine the relevance and quality of a website, and a strong SEO strategy can help improve both of these factors. This can make your website easier to navigate and more user-friendly, which can lead to happier customers and increased engagement.
  3. SEO can help build trust and credibility. When people see that your website appears at the top of the search engine results page, it can help build trust and credibility in your brand. This can be especially important for small businesses or new companies that are trying to establish themselves in the market.
  4. SEO can help drive targeted traffic to your website. By optimizing your website for specific keywords, you can help attract people who are specifically interested in the products or services that your business offers. This can help increase the chances that these visitors will convert into customers.

The importance of SEO for a business website cannot be overstated. In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase its visibility, attract more traffic, and ultimately boost your sales and profits.

To understand why SEO is so important, let’s first take a look at how people use the internet to find information and products. When someone is looking for something, they typically turn to a search engine like Google. The search engine uses algorithms to scour the web for relevant content and presents the user with a list of results, known as the “search engine results page” or SERP.

The higher your website ranks on the SERP, the more likely it is that people will visit your site. This is where SEO comes in. By implementing various optimization techniques, you can improve your website’s ranking on the SERP and increase its visibility.

But why is it important for your website to be visible? For one, the higher your website ranks on the SERP, the more credible and trustworthy it appears to potential customers. When people see your website at the top of the search results, they are more likely to click on it and visit your site. This increased traffic can translate into more sales and revenue for your business.search engine optimization (1) (1)

In addition to increasing your visibility and credibility, SEO can also help to improve the user experience on your website. When you optimize your site for search engines, you are essentially making it easier for people to find the information they are looking for. This can include things like ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and loading quickly, using clear and concise headings and subheadings, and providing useful and relevant content.

Furthermore, SEO can also help to drive targeted traffic to your website. When you optimize your site for specific keywords, you are more likely to attract visitors who are actively searching for the products or services you offer. This means that the traffic you receive is more likely to convert into sales, rather than just casual visitors who may not be interested in what you have to offer.

Overall, SEO is an essential component of any successful business website. By implementing various optimization techniques, you can improve your website’s visibility, credibility, user experience, and the quality of the traffic it receives. This can ultimately lead to more sales and revenue for your business.

If you are not already implementing SEO on your business website, now is the time to start. You can begin by conducting keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that are most relevant to your business and the products or services you offer. You can then incorporate these keywords into your website’s content, headings, and meta tags to improve its ranking on the SERP.

In conclusion, SEO is an essential part of any modern business’s online strategy. It can help increase the visibility, user experience, trust, and targeted traffic to your website, which can ultimately lead to more customers and sales. So if you’re not already using SEO for your business, it’s time to start!

Why Every Business & Organization Should Utilize “Google My Business” (+ a Step-by-Step Guide to Setting it Up)

Why Every Business & Organization Should Utilize “Google My Business” (+ a Step-by-Step Guide to Setting it Up)

step by step guide for google my business, google my business, setup google my business account

Google My Business Google My Business? Once upon a time, if you wanted to go out to eat at a new restaurant, you would search for the business listing in the Yellow Pages and pray the company had purchased a small ad that would tell you a little bit about the menu, hours of operation, and maybe even produce a small map. Then one day websites entered our world, and we were able to access this information much more easily. Almost every business had a website, and we could scroll through pages of information to answer our questions. As the online world continues to evolve, consumers now have even more information available with minimal clicking and scrolling thanks to Google My Business, an amazing little free tool that Google offers businesses and organizations, giving them the opportunity to showcase their most sought-after information using Google Search and Maps. 

If you’ve ever googled a local business, you’ve been on the receiving end of Google My Business data. Information such as the address, hours of operation, special services, menus, maps, photos, videos, reviews, and more are immediately produced simply by entering the name of the establishment into Google’s search engine. You already know how valuable this information is as a consumer, so let’s take a moment to look at how meaningful this little tool can be for your business or non-profit.

Google Business Profile vs Google My Business Listing

First off, we need to note that setting up a business listing known as a Google Business Profile is not the same as setting up a free Google My Business account. Any random consumer or even an automated listing generator can create a Business Profile. All that is needed is the business name, location, and category which can be supplied by anyone. Customers can begin leaving reviews and Google may pull additional information about your business listing from the web, but you as the owner/operator have no control over the content.

 This is why you need to create a Google My Business account. By setting up a Google My Business listing, you have total control over the complete customization of your profile and the information your customers receive. You manage the data so that it is accurate, timely, and appealing to your target audience.

Google My Business Benefits

Now that we’ve established what a Google My Business listing is (and what it isn’t), let’s dive right into the value it brings to your business or organization.

  • Get Discovered– Whether you run an online business, a brick-and-mortar storefront, or a multi-location non-profit organization, the biggest reason you list with Google is so that people can find you. Your Google My Business listing ensures that Google searchers can find you and access the information you’ve made available to them. It also improves your local SEO, moving you up on the list of Google searches.
  • Get It Right– Since this pandemic began, if I had a dollar for every time I drove across town to a restaurant I’ve been craving only to find that they’re closed or are no longer allowing indoor dining, I probably wouldn’t have to write blog posts for a living anymore. That’s why it’s so important to keep your customers coming back by providing them accurate, up-to-date information about your business or organization. You can do this easily with your Google My Business listing for free. Share your open hours, services offered (such as dine-in seating, free wi-fi, handicap accessibility, etc.), and any specials you might be offering, as well.
  • Get to Know Your Customers– Your Google My Business listing can actually resemble a social media page if you stay actively involved with it. Because Google searches are the most widely used method of looking up information, your Google My Business listing provides the perfect opportunity for you to engage with consumers, clients, and potential volunteers. You can reply to reviews posted by your customers, answer questions, provide updates, share photos, announce upcoming events, and more.

Setting Up a Google My Business Account

  1. To set up your own Google My Business listing, you first need to log in to the Google account you want to use for managing your listing.
  2. Then you can create an account by visiting the Google My Business home page. Click on “Sign-In” and then “Add your business to Google”.
  3. After entering your business or organization’s name and category, you’ll have the opportunity to enter additional information such as a physical address, phone number, web address, etc.
  4. Once your information is entered, Google will ask for your physical address so they can mail you a postcard containing a verification code. Click “Continue” to finish setting up your listing.
  5. From here you will be asked to enter information such as your business’s open hours, a brief description, and photos of your business.
  6. Finally, you will be directed to the main Google My Business dashboard where a world of opportunities awaits for you to share pertinent information with your customers, volunteers, and potential donors. Share pictures of your products, select attributes that best define your organization, and let customers know what areas you service (if you’re in the service industry).

Would you like to learn how to optimize your Google My Business listing to increase traffic to your website, your physical location, and to increase sales? Would you like to work your way through the Google My Business dashboard like a pro? Stay tuned for our next blog post where we dig into some simple ways to optimize your listing, increase your sales, and engage with your audience.

Building Traffic Patterns for Your Small Business

Building Traffic Patterns for Your Small Business

Business owners spend a great deal of time and money trying to “gain traction” or get “traffic” to their websites only to see little results.

Generally the reason is simple … and so can the solution be as well.

There are a few things either you or your web designer can do that can help get you noticed.

  1. When did you update your website last? A stagnant unchanging site will not bring in visitors. Change some images, add some content, re-purpose old content, make things fresh and relevant.
  2. Outdated or expired sales or specials. Once the sale is over take it off your site. Having a special that expired weeks ago will frustrate anyone that may visit. Use plugins that automatically remove popups or messages that are expired.
  3. Market your local community. Everyone has heard of SEO by now yet few get specific for their local market. Use keywords that set you apart from the competition not just in your niche but also in your neighborhood.
  4. Spend a little to get a lot. Google can be your best friend, but like any friend you have to spend time with them. Stroke her ego, spend a little in Google Adwords, she will return the favor with online admiration.
  5. Mobile matters to you and your customers. If your site is not mobile friendly you are losing. Everyone uses their phones first when searching, make sure when they find you they have a great user experience or they will never come back.
  6. Back-link love with permission. Linking to other websites may seem a bit counter-intuitive but Google and your clients will love you for it. Be sure if you do that the links make sense and bring value to your clients. Depending on the content you might want to ask the owner first, many times they will reciprocate the link love.
  7. Get social with a purpose. Social media changes all the time, even the best social media marketers have to stay on their toes to keep up with the best practices. It is not enough to just create great shareable content, but they must be active on the applicable social media channels to get their message out to the world.
  8. Use internal links on your own content. Whenever you create new content look for ways to link to other content that you have already created to link to within your own website. Users of Yoast SEO have the advantage of the Yoast Internal Link tool that assists them in finding content to link to as they create.
  9. Make sure your site has speed. Slow websites cause high bounce rates. Optimize your images, check your site structure, use hosting that is worth its weight. All of these contribute to the speed of the web page load which in turn either keeps or loses visitors.

Keep in mind these are simple steps that either you or your web designer can do to start building traffic patterns for your small business.

We could keep going but you would likely get overwhelmed and want to stop reading. If you would like to learn more on how you can generate traffic to your business or even better yet have us help you accomplish your goals contact us and schedule your discovery session today.